Newsletter No.5 - 15th May 2024
Message from the Principal
Message from the Assistant Principal
Message from the REC
Class News
Library News
Diverse Learning Team News
Sport News
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education
School Fees Information
P and F News
Canteen News – Including Volunteer Roster
Food Allergies
Volunteering at SJKB
Term Planner
Good For Kids
Guitar Lessons
Community Notices
Message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
I trust everyone enjoyed some wonderful Mother's Day celebrations, starting with our lovely gathering and liturgy here last Friday. It is always so encouraging to see so many of our mothers, step mums, grandmothers and special people attending our school celebration. I take this opportunity to thank my amazing staff and the Parish Team for their combined efforts to prepare the breakfast, serve you and to prepare the students for the beautiful liturgy.
Motherhood is such a gift, filled with many joys, worries and challenges at times, but mainly great joy. Mothers help form the future in forming and developing their children, helping them to grow into good humans who can contribute positively to the world. May God bless each of you in your journeys and may you remember our loving God and Mother Mary in your times of joy and struggle.
This coming Monday we will begin our Catholic Schools Week celebrations. We are hosting a liturgy at 1:40pm on Tuesday 21st, followed by open classrooms. The theme this year is "Follow Me!" We celebrate and give thanks for our Catholic schools which strive to foster communities of faith, respect, inclusivity, love and a commitment to excellence in education. We look forward to welcoming those who can attend.
Last week, Mrs Porter, Mrs Tuck and Mrs Albury together with 250 system leaders attended the “Positive Approach to Behaviour” workshop presented by Dr Shiralee Poed. Shiralee is an Associate Professor within the School of Education of the University of Queensland and is the Chair of the Association for Positive Behaviour Support Australia. As you would know, we are reflecting and reimaging our Behaviour Policies & Procedures as part of our School Improvement Goal focussing on Student Wellbeing. Positive Behaviours for Learning at SJKB is part of this. We are very enthused to be working with our colleagues both at system and local levels.
Next week you will receive information form the Diocese about an online survey called Tell Them From Me. This survey will provide the Diocese and our school specifically, about areas of strength and areas of need. We have tailored our survey this year to include questions about our current practices and how we can better foster "conditions for learning" at our great school. We value this feedback and use it to drive our goals and plans for the following strategic planning cycle.
Huge congratulations to Miss Vinson and Miss Goodhew on the completion of their teaching accreditation at the next level! We thoroughly appreciate the positivity and enthusiasm your energy brings to our team.
A special mention to Mrs Woollett who completed the All World Athletes Ironman, in Port Macquarie earlier this month. Beth achieved in the top 7% for her age group. This is an outstanding achievement and we are extremely proud of you! Our teachers work very hard to establish positive relationships with our students and genuinely care about fostering values that include endurance and this was a “full circle” moment for Mrs Woollett. She had a SJKB student fan club cheering her on! We are blessed with the positive school community relationships we have here at SJKB.
Congratulations to the De Pasquale family on the birth of Matteo; he is absolutely gorgeous and we loved our cuddles on Mother’s Day. We also welcome Levi to year 4 and Emma McGaw as our EALD teacher.
There have been a few isolated Bus behaviour incidents this year and I seek your support in reminding our children about Bus Safety. In particular, to always sit at the front and to report any inappropriate conduct to the bus driver.
Congratulations Mrs Woollett!
The school was a very busy worksite over the holidays. We have had the shipping containers removed to make way for our new shade playground and also allowed for potential outdoor learning spaces alongside the Diverse Learning Room.
Our shade play equipment has been ordered and will be installed over the next holiday break and our netball & basketball courts are in process. The wet weather has caused some delays but we are hopeful that work can continue shortly.
I hope you enjoy reading our "new look" newsletter.
With every best wish,
Nikki Norley
Message from the Assistant Principal
This year, our school has a strong focus on student wellbeing. As evident in our School Improvement Plan, we aspire to achieve the goals below.
DOMAIN 2: Learning and Wellbeing |
Goal 1: For each learner to understand where, when and how they work best, and be empowered to participate in decision-making about their learning and wellbeing. Goal 2: To build the capacity of educators to ensure that all students are known, their strengths are recognised and accommodated, diversity is celebrated, and each learner demonstrates growth. Goal 3: To equip learners with the analytical, cognitive, digital, and social competencies that enables them to fully engage with and contribute to our changing world. Goal 4: To build a cohesive culture that is inclusive of all students, with transparent academic and wellbeing structures that support and inspire their resilience and self-awareness. |
Rock and Water
One of the strategies we have implemented to enhance student wellbeing is the introduction of the ‘Rock and Water’ program in Stage 2.
The Rock and Water program is a social-emotional development and resilience-building program that is used in schools and other educational settings. It helps students develop self-awareness, confidence, and communication skills while promoting respect for oneself and others.
Concept Overview: The Rock and Water program combines physical exercises with mental and emotional training. It teaches children to navigate life's challenges with the strength of a rock and the flexibility of water.
Core Themes: The program focuses on three key concepts:
Self-Control and Self-Confidence: Students learn to manage their emotions and reactions in different situations, developing a stronger sense of self.
Communication and Relationships: Through the program, students practice effective communication skills, which helps them form and maintain positive relationships with peers.
Resilience and Coping Strategies: The program equips students with tools to handle stress and setbacks, fostering resilience and a growth mindset.
Activities and Exercises: The program involves physical exercises, games, and role-playing activities that help students internalize the lessons. These activities are designed to build self-awareness, empathy, and respectful behaviour.
Balance of Rock and Water: The program emphasizes the importance of balancing "rock" qualities (strength, assertiveness, and determination) with "water" qualities (flexibility, adaptability, and cooperation). Students learn when to be firm and when to be more open and understanding.
Conflict Resolution: Rock and Water helps students develop skills to manage and resolve conflicts in a healthy and respectful way, focusing on clear communication and understanding others' perspectives.
Application: The program's lessons extend beyond the classroom. Students can apply what they've learned to their home life, sports, and future social interactions.
To consolidate syllabus outcomes in PDH, Rock and Water will be taught explicitly each Monday for 60 minutes. Courtney Porter (AP) and Courtney Albury (LST) have received extensive training on the delivery and theoretical components of rock and water and will be the facilitators of the program.
Parents can reinforce the program's teachings at home by encouraging open communication, empathy, and healthy coping strategies with their children.
If you have any questions regarding this program, please reach out to Courtney Porter or Courtney Albury on the emails below.
Rock and Water
Message from the REC
The Month of May
The month of May is also known to Catholics as the Month of Mary.
For centuries, the Catholic Church has set aside the entire month of May to honour Mary, Mother of God. Not just a day in May, but the entire month.
During this month we pay homage to our Blessed Mother Mary. The Blessed Virgin Mary is honoured as the Mother of God because she conceived and gave birth to Christ, who is the incarnation of God the Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.
Ways we can honour Mary during May:
- Pray the Rosary,
- Say the Hail Mary Prayer through the day,
- Create a Prayer Corner, placing some representation of our Blessed Mother (eg: photo, small statue, or Rosary beads)
- Create a special outdoor space, flowers in honour of Mary.
As we have just celebrated Mother’s Day, I find this a fitting prayer;
Blessed Mother Mary,
Help us to celebrate those mothers, and mother figures, who are with us and those who are gone. May they keep protecting and watching over us for all of our days.
We ask you Lord to protect all mothers and mother figures, may you enlighten them in these times of many changes, so they can continue bringing your love to their families and loved ones.
Mary, mother of Jesus and our mother, we commend our mothers while we sing to you.
With flowers, with flowers, with flowers for Mary.
Catholic Schools Week
One of the most remarkable features of our Catholic schools is that they foster communities where individuals can freely express themselves and develop their humanity through education. They stand as lively Catholic communities of faith and learning, committed to delivering excellent education that empowers every child to find purpose and meaning in their lives. Each year, we come together to commemorate such accomplishments through Catholic Schools Week - a time that recognises and celebrates the distinctive qualities of Catholic education.
Our theme for Catholic Schools Week this year is 'Follow Me!' (Mt 4:19), which draws on Jesus' simple yet profound invitation to walk with Him on a journey of discipleship. This invitation is not a mere call to walk alongside Jesus but a summons to be transformed by Him. It's an invitation to step out of the familiar confines of our personal "boats," the routines and securities we cling to, and embrace a life marked in trust, faithfulness, and love. As our schools express their love for God, they are inspired to cultivate a compassionate awareness of the needs of those around us. How we demonstrate love becomes paramount, highlighting that our Christian service puts faith into action.
Within Catholic schools, as we study and emulate Jesus Christ as our model and Teacher, we delve into a deeper comprehension of Christian service. Jesus embodied serving every individual, irrespective of creed, background, faith, social status, or age, demonstrating the compassionate, courageous, and forgiving character of our loving God through tangible actions. He didn't merely support His faith through words; rather, He lived it out, serving as a perfect example for us to follow Him in our own lives.
- May all we do in Catholic education continue to strengthen our commitment to serving all those in our communities with humble hearts and generous spirits.
Our Catholic Schools Week Liturgy will be held on 21st May in the Church at 1:40pm. All Welcome!
Following this, you will be invited back into school, to join your child/ren in their classrooms.
Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Our Reconciliation Week Liturgy will be held on 31st May in the Hall at 8:50am. All welcome!
Class News
Year 3/4B have been working super hard on our fluency reads over the last two terms.
We spend the first 10 minutes of everyday in the sunshine (when it’s not raining) and enjoy our friends company. The students are gaining so much confidence within these readings.
Well done 3/4 Blue!
Kind Regards,
Taylah Vinson
3/4 Blue Reading
Library News
Diverse Learning Team News
A reminder that parents have access to SchoolTV via the link above or directly from our website.
SchoolTV features interviews with leading wellbeing experts and researchers from around the world, on topics including:
- Mental Health
- Healthy Bodies
- Cyber Safety
- Positive Parenting
- School Survival
- Diversity and Inclusion
Parents and caregivers are the greatest influence on a young person's life and SchoolTV focuses on empowering confident parenting.
Trauma Recovery
Trauma in children significantly disturbs their sense of safety and normalcy, leading to substantial emotional and behavioural changes. Such disturbances often result from exposure to traumatic events, which may be exacerbated by continuous media coverage. This exposure can trigger stress, anxiety, and trauma, with varying recovery timelines due to the unpredictable nature of trauma's impact. Observing young people grappling with these effects can be highly distressing for parents and caregivers.
It's important to establish a nurturing environment to help restore a child's sense of security to help promote resilience. Active involvement in their recovery is essential, as is recognising the unique, personalised needs of each child in responding to trauma. Depending on their age, children may present with different symptoms, such as regressive behaviours in younger ones or withdrawal and agitation in older children and teens. It is important to monitor and manage the type of information children may access to reduce their emotional distress.
The brain stores traumatic events as powerful emotional memories, influencing behaviour through mechanisms beyond a child's conscious awareness. By providing young people with support and equipping them with coping mechanisms to handle uncertainty, parents and carers can greatly enhance a child's capacity to recover and build long-term emotional resilience.
This Special Report will help you identify a child experiencing trauma and how you can support them to overcome it.
Here is the link to your Special Report
Sport News
Newcastle Knights U9 & 10s Rugby League Event
SJKB was superbly represented by 11 of our Stage 2 students at the Newcastle Knights Rugby League Event at Kurri Kurri on Wednesday 1st May . Xinni, Anolah-Rose, Valora, Darby, Fynn, Archie, Cameron, Eli, Noah, Luca and George played a total of four games scoring 5 tries over the course of the day. Many thanks to our parents and grandparents for their support out at the Kurri Kurri Sports Complex.
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education
Investigating life in our creek
Aboriginal students who are "new" at our school (Jeremyah, Reid, Freya, Francesca, Ezekiel, Valora, Aylah and Junior) recently had the opportunity to visit our local creek, behind the Way of the Cross, to set up some crab and fish traps. This activity aligned with the annual movement of fish and eels into Lake Macquarie around the time of the Easter Moon.
We baited the traps with Kilaben Bay Barramundi (Mullet) and we are looking forward to learning more about what lives in our creek.
Creek visit
John Hession
Aboriginal Education Teacher / Stage 2 Teacher / Gifted Education Mentor
School Fees Information
The Fee Statements are sent home by Head Office monthly.
It is important to get your payments established early in the year, so we suggest you organise your automated payments with your Bank, with whatever fee frequency you have nominated. Your Bpay details can be seen on your statement and remain the same as last year.
If you would like help calculating amounts to pay on a weekly/fortnightly/monthly basis please phone the school office and we can provide you with a Fee Calculator Report.
The payment of school fees is crucial to our ability to effectively provide quality education for our students.
To assist families with limited resources, discounted tuition fees are provided to Health Care and Pension card holders. Please contact the school office if you have not already made this arrangement..
Additionally, any family experiencing financial difficulty is most welcome to contact Mrs Norley for a confidential discussion.
Linda Garreffa
Administration Officer
P and F News
Our next P&F Meeting is Tuesday 11th June at 5.30pm in the Library - All Welcome.
The PLUS Second hand clothing shop runs on Monday and Friday mornings from 8.20am to 8.50am during school terms.
We have wide selection of secondhand uniforms available all uniform items are $5 and jackets are available for $10. All payments can be made via QKR! after your order has been received, we will attach the amount owing to the order.
Alternatively you can order online and we will send your order home with your child via the link/QK code above.
Hats can also be ordered via our system please specify new or used in the comments.
PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CHILD'S NAME AND CLASS in the message as our volunteers do not have access to the different family surnames to make connections to students - therefore use your child's name first, then your name, especially if different surname. Payment is via the Qkr! app.
Thank you!
Canteen News – Including Volunteer Roster
We continue to encourage you to establish a routine and reminders to ensure your child has recess and lunch food (either packed at home or ordered from the canteen using Qkr if Wed - Fri).
We will continue to contact parents if food has not been supplied. Uncertainty with food creates anxiety for your child on the day.
Qkr cut off times have been changed this term, please ensure Qkr orders are placed before 8.00 am each day.
Hash Browns are no longer available but have been replaced by corn on the cob for $1.
I am seeking new volunteers to help in the canteen. We ask any new or current Parents or Grandparents if they could offer a couple of hours once or twice a term in the canteen.
If you would like to volunteer please call or email or find the link later in the Newsletter under Volunteering at SJKB.
Thank you
Tracey Ryan-Ward
Canteen Supervisor
Food Allergies
SJKB have several students each year that have been diagnosed with a food allergy.
Therefore, considerations in how our school implements risk minimisation for our at risk children are as follows:
- Food may not be shared between students and washing hands before and after eating is encouraged.
- We discourage food with high risk of allergic reactions or known allergic reactions to individual students, being brought to school eg- nuts
- Food rewards are discouraged and non-food rewards encouraged.
These are just some of the ways that SJKB is working to ensure that duty of care obligations to our students are in place, to ensure all students feel safe and supported at school.
Parents are asked to please consider these obligations when sending food along to school with your child.
Volunteering at SJKB
We regularly need volunteers for various roles within our school. This may include reading in the classroom, helping in the canteen or supporting teachers on excursions. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at our school, please follow the instructions on the link below.
Once you have been cleared by the CSO, you will need to come into school for a one off site specific induction (approx. 40mins).
If you have been a volunteer in the past and your WWCC has expired, you can renew it for free at Service NSW.
Our planned site induction dates for Term 2 are below, please email Courtney Porter with your attendance or if you would like any additional information. There will be additional inductions dates throughout the year.
Site specific Induction dates for TERM 2:
Wednesday 29th May at 8.30am
Friday 28th June at 3.30pm